Blob Monster Platformer

Plays: 160   | Size: 8.6 MB   |  4.7/5.0 |    Developer: paul62 |

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Blob Monster Platformer

Help Blob Monster to complete each level. Every level has got platforms to jump on and as the game progresses, its gets increasingly more challenging as enemies begin to appear. The objective of the game is to collect all the diamonds. There will be a special coin that you need to collect before the level completes. Enjoy. 



Use keyboard arrow keys

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2 years ago
AlemDev Rated:

Nice game. I rated it 4 stars since I reached Level 3 but found a few bugs. First of all, the end coin stays at the end, the game UI should be improved (I'm talking about the restart button which should be in the middle and the other button too. Maybe blur the background and make the player stop moving when the Restart/Menu buttons appear. The yellow thing that kills the player I guess has a box collider that's too big since I don't even touch it and die. I get this was made in Construct 2 or 3, the game overall is good but it needs improvement. Good job.

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3 years ago
VK Rated:


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4 years ago
iDev Rated:

Great game!

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