Cannon Blast

Plays: 157   | Size: 125.26 MB   |  5.0/5.0 |    Developer: elmagico

Copy the code below and paste it into your web page files as html to embed this game onto your web page. Only embed one game per page.

<!-- iDev.Games Responsive Embed Code for Cannon Blast -->
<div style="position: relative;height: 0;overflow: hidden;padding-bottom: 56.25%;">
    <iframe id="embededGame" src="" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0" style="position: absolute;top:0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;">Browser not compatible.</iframe>
<!-- End Embed Code -->

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Cannon Blast


White Cannon                                                                                                               Black Cannon

Left/Right: A/D                                                                                                              Left/Right: J/L

Up/Down: W/S                                                                                                              Up/Down: I/K

Shot: Space                                                                                                                       Shot: Space

-----------------------------------------Cannon Blast-----------------------------------------------

 Is a 1-2 Player that you can play local with your friends or you can play it solo vs boot.


Choose your PowerUp that benefit you.


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1 year ago
iDev Rated:

Great game!

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