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Clicker and Strategy game. Prototype version.
Keep playing at your phone.
(Not a regular clicker, it requires to think a little).
Create your temples so your zealots worship you. With more zealots you will gain more faith, with more faith you can defeat those o claim your God-Presence is false. Destroy your detractors and build your religion to last eons.
Grow your religion acquiring adepts, click over the spells to complete each and gain might Might will allow you to include more adepts in your religion. As a mighty god you can also destroy your creations either for fun or to change them for more adept fanatics.
Pay attention because eventually a holy man and bonuses may appear, destroy them get a either temporal or permanent rewards for your faith.
Game autosaves every 60 seconds, if you leave you can continue where just you left either automatically or in the menu.
New content is published every week.
See how mighty your religion can grow.
Please refresh page (F5) if you see image glitches.
You may want to read Units and Combos for Beginners
Gameplay Video: https://youtu.be/-rAvD1H7gtk
iDev Rated:
Great game!