Gem Clicker

Plays: 4,281   | Size: 6.59 MB   |  5.0/5.0 |    Developer: Duplicity Games

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<!-- iDev.Games Responsive Embed Code for Gem Clicker -->
<div style="position: relative;height: 0;overflow: hidden;padding-bottom: 56.25%;">
    <iframe id="embededGame" src="" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0" style="position: absolute;top:0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;">Browser not compatible.</iframe>
<!-- End Embed Code -->

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Gem Clicker

Gem clicker is a unique but simple clicker game, click on the big gem to get money and eventually break it. Click on the four small gems to charge them up until they generate income for a small amount of time automatically. Upgrade your click DMG, get an auto-clicker, upgrade the small gems, and get a reward for each big gem broken. This game has no end and you can infinitely upgrade as the big gems get progressively harder and harder to break. (This game is in alpha and is very bare bones.)

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8 months ago
BD Productions Rated:

This is better than anything I could make, W game

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10 months ago
iDev Rated:

Great game!

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