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<iframe id="embededGame" src="https://idev.games/embed/legend-of-shell-island" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0" style="position: absolute;top:0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;">Browser not compatible.</iframe>
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The story comes from an internet novel, "NT 5 Dollars".
It's my first formal Unity game,
I used to make FLASH games before, hope I can make Unity games from now on.
How to play the game:
After pressing the 'Start' button,
the scene will show a small story.
Clicking the highlight or text that different font style from most of simple texts( these are keywords),
to change scene and try to solve puzzles.
It's a game I made for practicing,
Sorry for my poor English,
I promise I will have someone help me check my English in next game!
iDev Rated:
Great game!