Night Run

Plays: 242   | Size: 4.89 MB   |  5.0/5.0 |    Developer: Johnson 80 Games |

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Night Run

The government have their special agent to handle top secrete projects, his 

name is Ryder. General Herb has called Ryder into action due to the missing

top secrete briefcases. They contain vital information on certain weapons 

of mass destruction. A rogue agent took all remaining briefcases for his own 

evil deeds. No one knows who this person is but Ryder must stop him. 


Ryder must collect all briefcases on each level to advance to the next one.

Collect the different weapon items that general Herb has placed in the world.

Each one is different from the next so pick and chose wisely. Can Ryder 

battle his way to end to meet the mystery rogue agent???



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5 years ago
iDev Rated:

Great game!

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5 years ago
vankizzle Rated:

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