Space Taxi Driver - cosmic endless runne

Plays: 366   | Size: 61.89 MB   |  4.8/5.0 |    Developer: DeadHeadStd

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Space Taxi Driver - cosmic endless runne

So you're tired of being an ordinary taxi driver and you came to us? Right choice!

Space Taxi will allow you to prove yourself and your abilities in an incredible space race.


Space Taxi - it's awesome endless runner race game. You have to control your car, you have all your device screen for that. Dodge obstacles and score points more than any other.


Wanna upgrade your car? No problem. Each car have a bunch of upgrades for you. But you need cash. Catch astronauts and take them to stops to get money!


Also there are few cool bonuses for you, which can be upgraded too. 






★ Beautiful graphics!

★ Amazing hd effects!

★ 4 space locations!

★ Cool bonuses!

★ Difficult obstacles!

★ Use all your screen to be the best!


If you a big fun of endless runners in temple, city or subway, Space Taxi - for you! It's time to conquer space!

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1 year ago
KosmoCat Rated:

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4 years ago
vankizzle Rated:

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4 years ago
Huemerson Rated:

Good game, good graphics quality and good gameplay.

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4 years ago
iDev Rated:

Great game!

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