Star of warfare

Plays: 1,429   | Size: 331.82 MB   |  4.0/5.0 |    Developer: WePrimOon |

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Star of warfare

Star of warfare is a free multiplayer first-person shooter game that currently has 3 game modes deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag There is 9 maps and 3 weapon classes available in Star of Warfare. You can use an assault rifle sniper or shotgun with more weapons being added soon.

Patch Notes

Below are the patch notes from the past updates to this game.

patch notes 11/17

incease end in of match time to 121 seconds

player now has a chance to survive truck damage

changed bridge in factory

fixed hitbox bug with trucks

updated hitboxes with magic rugs

updated weapon names

added 4 new weapons


gilded ak47

double barrel shotgun


replaced sniper

crosshair is now visable when aiming

reduced reload time for grenades

added collison for roofs of tents in castle

added more team spawns in farm town

players now get 25 score per kill


patch notes 11/17

incease end in of match time to 121 seconds

player now has a chance to survive truck damage

changed bridge in factory

fixed hitbox bug with trucks

updated hitboxes with magic rugs

updated weapon names

added 4 new weapons


gilded ak47

double barrel shotgun


replaced sniper

crosshair is now visable when aiming

reduced reload time for grenades

added collison for roofs of tents in castle

added more team spawns in farm town

players now get 25 score per kill



added tunnels to city

updated the grass in trailer trouble

replaced the maze in trailer touble with laundromat

updated willow woods map

massive changes to farm map

fixed a bug with trees on castle battle

 fix kill count above 100

amount of kills to win is not displayed

added catapults to castle

temporaily disable capture the flag mode

fixed a bug where castle battle stairs were only visable from one side

add 999 kill options for ffa and team deathmatch

add magic carpet to castle battle


4 stations added buildings around outer ring

improved rending in 4 stations

improved fire station paint

fixed a bug in 4 stations where power building were unenterable

disabled star stadium map

massive updates to castle battle map


Patch notes 3/27

complety changed woods map

updated stairs is castle battle map

improve fps in castle

updated dragon statue in castle

fixed a bug where players could jump through roofs in trailer trouble

updated diamond flag color


patch notes 2/27/24 update

updated castle batte map

temportality disabled airsoft arena 

improved game stability

updated map preview photos

fixed the roof in farm fight

add 7 vs 7 mode in team death match

add 200 point game goal to team deathmatch

fixed a bug health capsule


patch notes 21

temparilty disabled grenade launcher due to bugs 

Replace factory fight with updated flying factory map 

updated game art 

improve look and feeel of game

improved player view distance by 29 percent

buffed jumping by 295 percent

add power ups to factory

fix a bug where players fall through floor in woods 

made the light in woods less blue


Patch notes 1/11 update

added elevators to star staduim

added power ups to trailer trouble

added a underground area to willow woods

nerfed fall damage


Patch notes for 22

free for all can now support up to 12 players

the 4 stations map now has a full city to explore

100 kill game now availbe for free for all

shadows nerfed

spawn points buffed in 4 stations

Team spawnpoints buffed across all maps

fixed some collision bugs in 4  stations

added power-up beacons

fixed a bug where grenade launcer was invisible

added new item health capsule

fixed a bug where slider chacters couldnt use gilded weapons

slider slide time buffed

smoking is bad for your lungs

buffed player view distance by 17 percent

fixed a bug in farm fight where round countdown camera would be in the wrong place


Star of warfare online quick launch

changed texture of airsoft arena floor

changed texture of star staduim

updated some trees texture

optimized the game to load faster

fps improments


star of warfare online

fixed a bug where players could glitch through walls in bthe lue station

redisgned red and green stations in 4 stations

change color of blue staion

added a second door for blue station

fixed some bugs in 4 stations where bullets would hit invisble walls

replaced minefield map with castle battle

fixed some light glitches in 4 stations

fixed a bug with the roof on farm

fixed areas where players clould glitch through walls in trailer and farm levels

changed some loading screens

change  death icon

fixed a bug for slider characters


changed shelf in factory

changed some defualt settings to improve fps

more fps improvements

fixed a bug where blue flag spawned underground in arena

made the wheat in farm taller

made diamond players easier too see



fixed and bug with player hitboxes

added gilded pistol and gilded shotgun

you can have custom weapon loadouts

add moon light in nignt levels

firerate for gilded mp5 improved by 72 percent

molotovs damgae increased by 125% 

shotgun reload time reduced by 33 percent


more xp need to unlocked gilded

fixed some places where  players could glitch through walls in 4 stations

 change grass color in farm

fix  tree leaf color bug in city and trailer trouble

more changes to lighting



fixed bugs with lighting in some levels

fixed lemon tree texture bug

fixed player walking through the floor in park

fixed coillsion bug with trees in city

increased countdown timer to 7 seconds

varies fps improvements

added abilty to change character

added and new character unlocked at level 5

fixed some players glitching out on death


1.7 patch notes 

gilded mp5 readded

you can now choose what game mode you want to be put in

changed loading art


1.6 patch notes

nerf fire rate for mp5 by 75 percent

you now gain XP and can level up

more fps improvements

make play as guest button bigger



fixed a bug with the blue player model

updated texture for lemon tree

improved fps

improved game stability 

fixed a bug where players could glithch through parts of blue station


fixed a bug where player could spawn stuck in the floor or wall in 4 stations

fixed a bug where players could shoot through trucks in 4 stations

stop players from glitching through some walls

fixed gramer in high ping message

Fixed sign-up with Google

replaced skyscraper city with super spring city

updated ammo model

fixed some areas in trailer trouble where players could glitch through walls

replaced the building in trailer trouble with a park

added version 2 of the farm map

updated teammate's health color

fixed a bug where shotguns would overkill

the mp5 now has 45 shots instead of 35

mp5 damage decreased by 40 percent               

mp5 fire rate increased by 55 percent

mp5 reload time reduced by 50 percent

mp5 range decreased by 42 percent

mp5 changed to red'

grenade launcher damage increased by 32 percent

reduced bullet and footstep audio by 33 percent

Improvements in game end scene

added a new Map Willow Woods

replace farm fight with factory map

added more light to daytime levels

you can now create an account with Google

added link to the games Reddit

reduced shotguns range by 33 percent

1.5 patch notes

updated charcter model

readded accounts system

fix a bug where player would fly after death

fixed star staduim image not showing

fixed 27 areas where players could glitch through walls


removed account system to fix bugs

improved grass texture in trailer trouble


added an accounts system

fixed a bunch of areas where glass would randomly appear


Update 1.3 main improvements

add an option to choose server

made some changes to the minefield map

fixed areas where players could glitch through walls and floors in trailer trouble

update the thumbnail for game


mega patch notes 1.2

added 3 maps Farm fight  minefield and trailer trouble

increase player speed by 55 percent

reduced player head bob from .5 to .3

fixed a bug where objects wouldn't load when an outside view of players

change menu music 

new weapon Gilded riffle hidden in the level 

capture the flag  added

kill feed increased by 50 percent


fixed 20 places where players could walk through walls or solid objects

fixed a bug where the player could spawn stuck in the red station

fixed a bug where players could get stuck in the floor star staduim

small changes to the airsoft arena

improved quality



added new Skyscraper city map

redesigned main menu

made Gold team color slightly darker

fixed player outfits in team death match


added new Skyscraper city map

redesigned main menu

made Gold team color slightly darker

fixed player outfits in team death match


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Great game!

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