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Characters have copyright,I am the creator, do not copy.
Works of Firefox(its not a mobile game but you can play as player 1 if you activate joystick)
WASD Player 1 Move
ZXC-Player 1 Attacks
E-Player 1 Transform
Q-Player 1 Drop Transformation
Arrows Player 2 Move
JKL-Player 2 Attacks
O-Player 2 Transform
U-Player 2 Drop Transformation
23 Playable characters+ 23 Stages.
Some Story levels to unlock parts of the characters. ITs still unfinished . Just wanted to share it, and for test.
Online Mode:
Create Room:Hosts a room, you are player 1 and can choose the stage in multiplayer battles.
Join Room: You are player 2 in multplayer, cant choose stages, you must wait until opponent finishes his choices and try rejoining many times until you join(if not joining)
iDev Rated:
Great game!