The Grims

Plays: 304   |  4.7/5.0 |    Developer: Bow

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The Grims

This is my first game prototype, it demonstrates my ability in coding and unity. I hope you enjoy the prototype and your feedback is always appreciated.

The concept that was developed for this project was a 2D Top-Down Arena Shooter.

This game involves player inventory system that comprises of the players health, shields, and ammo. A wave system that will spawn different types of enemies and utilises a class system for the player to choose a class that have their own abilities.

The goal is to survive the incoming waves of enemies.


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3 years ago
Readyone13 Rated:

Great Game Dude . As its your first developed game . Its so good . My first game is nasty as hell xD . You can check it in my profile . I have a suggestion for you like you can increase the health point a little bit then it will be more fun . Coz in my case the game ends too early . I mean I wanna play it more but it finishes early .

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3 years ago
SkilshotExplosion Rated:

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3 years ago
iDev Rated:

Great game!

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