<!-- iDev.Games Responsive Embed Code for Wedventure v.1.1.0 -->
<div style="position: relative;height: 0;overflow: hidden;padding-bottom: 56.25%;">
<iframe id="embededGame" src="https://idev.games/embed/wedventure-v-1-1-0" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0" style="position: absolute;top:0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;">Browser not compatible.</iframe>
<!-- End Embed Code -->
A 2D html5 platformer (prototype) minigame made in GameMaker: Studio.
Note: For more info about update 1.0.0 click here.
Note2: I had a problem that doesn't allow me to upload a new version of Wedventure so decided to create a new game and delete the old.
iDev Rated:
Great game!