#iDevGamesComp Horror Inspired Pixel Art!

Posted: 2018-10-28 12:02:30 |    Posted by iDev |    idevgames.co.uk

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I just wanted to have some fun with this and see if we could drum up some interest for the entries to the #iDevGamesComp I launched a few weeks ago. Unfortunately though, we only had one entry, but what an entry it is!


 So be sure to check out Dirty Beast Games and give their hard work a like! I really do appreciate the hard work put into your entry and I hope that we have brought it some of the exposure that it deserves. I also want to thank everyone that retweeted and shared the comp too.

Although the comp details below state that the 25th was the cut off point, feel free to share a piece up until Halloween if you were looking to create something for Halloween and wanted to gain some added exposure (I will add any additional entries to this post).




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5 years ago
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