Posted: 2017-10-22 14:29:11 | Posted by iDev |
This tutorial will explain how you could make your own video advertisment quickly and easily for advertising on this site through the advertising network.
The advertising service allows you to advertise gaming related content to a gaming audiance. More importantly the adverts from are the advertisements displayed on this site which the developers earn from when you view them.
If you have created a video advertisment or trailer for your game, you will most likely have already uploaded it to youtube. If not then you will need to. Once uploaded we can then use the once on the homepage click "CREATE YOUR PAGE NOW!". Give your page a name, the name will be used for the url like
Then choose a background colour, black will be good for a video advertisment. Then click the source code button on the text editor:
Then go to your youtube video and click share then embed:
You will then be able to copy the embed code:
Now once copied you can paste it into your source code like below. Though we will have to change some code and add some code:
So we will want the video to be full screen so by copying you code in between the code below and then copy this in like the above:
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
Then you must change the width and height perimiters to 100% like above. Finally adding:
to the end of the URL as highlighted above. This will allow the video to autoplay.
You will then be given a URL like above. If you then want to advertise this video then login at and then use this URL when creating a new campaign.
PunkChic Games Commented:
Awesome tutorial