Morterra - Bears, Farming & More!

Posted: 2021-08-08 03:21:23 |    Posted by morterra |

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+ New bear items: Bear headdress, sleeping bag (50% respawn timer), backpack, quiver, bear meat

- Re-spawn every ~4 hours

- Non-aggressive (unless you attack them, then they are devastatingly lethal)

- Bears cannot be tamed (by non-admins)


+ New farming items:

- Large pots for trees & bushes

- Small pots for plants

- Bamboo + blowpipes

- Nightshade + poison + poisoned quivers & spears: drains player fatigue

- Coffee raw & cooked: replenishes fatigue

- Drinking a canteen of milk cures poisoned players

- Fatigue returns: higher karma = higher refresh rate

- Lime fertilizes growing plants (+100 durability)

- Animal dung is gathered by feeding animals tree fruit

- Dropped seeds no longer grow new plants

- New high scores table & title added for farming + bear hunting

Play Now: Morterra - Free Browser Multiplayer Survival Game

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3 years ago
iDev Commented:

Looks great, well done!

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