Well I've worked hard so far this year with changes and marketing as well as developing and releasing two games. I did mention in the scoreboard update that I would be creating more smaller games with the aim of getting high scores. My last two games are just that.
Also I just wanted to say that we have a new sponsor which is one of our members, polecat for their game and kickstarter for maid of venia. I don't always mention new sponsors but as kickstarters are time sensitive I thought I would mention it in case you would like to support their game.
So with this update I have now added a feature that has been needed for a long time. The ability to reply to reviews and comments. Originally I decided I wanted it to be between developer and commenter or reviewer though decided it would be good if anyone could add their 2 cents. So as an example let's say if someone reviewed a game mentioning a bug they had found and you had the same problem but noticed something that would help the developer you could reply too.
I think this will allow us all to communicate better and to help us shape the games we build as a community. I often have seen developers reply as a review or as a comment (I have done myself) which up til now meant we could only reply once.
I have also added the time posted on comments, reviews and replies too. Though unfortunately as we weren't recording this data before all the reviews and comments posted up until now were all posted at the same time yesterday. This has happened before when we started recording registered date for our members a year ago. It made our original members all look like they signed up at the same time. None the less it's something that had to be done.
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budiDev Commented:
hope it goes well:)
iDev Replied:
I hope it does too!